By: David Xiang
Why Poetry Matters — David Xiang
Jun 05, 2020
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Curriculum Developer: David Xiang is a History and Science concentrator at Harvard with a secondary in Molecular and Cellular Biology. In 2015, David was selected as a ...
5 Grammar Rules to Remember for High Schoolers
May 18, 2020
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By: Emerson Monks
English is one of the most commonly-spoken languages: of the 7.5 billion people in the world, 1.5 billion people speak it proficiently. It is also the most studied la...
"An man were walking to the store because she is hungry": Why Grammar Matters
May 07, 2020
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Written by Sam Benkelman. Sam is a Linguistics concentrator from Harvard with a secondary in Computer Science. He is particularly interested with the cross-linguistic structure of language, and he r...