My Last Race personal narratives May 14, 2021

By Mingchen Liu

Before leaving China, I joined the school sports team. As the top sports student in my grade, I participated in major sports competitions on behalf of the school. One race is a...

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A No Good Rotten Boy personal narratives May 13, 2021

By Hanna Qian

One ordinary day, actually the first day of first grade. Everyone was excited and pumped for the first day of real school and to not be treated like little kids. As my mom and I went...

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Unprepared yet Unrelenting personal narratives May 12, 2021

By Yixin Zhou

On a Saturday morning in an old school bus that stank of sweat, the science olympiad team was heading towards the school of Cornell to compete in a tournament. I was on that bus...

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Prepare for the Unknown personal narratives May 12, 2021

By Grace Jiao

“FOCUS, FOCUS,” I thought in my head. “I have a final math exam tomorrow. I have to learn all the topics ASAP!”
“SUPPER’S READY” hollered my...

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This Time Will Be Different personal narratives May 12, 2021

By Jason Sha

The autumn breeze whooshed through the trees, creating bountiful piles of crispy, orange leaves along the sidewalk. I stepped in an especially large pile, producing a satisfying...

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The rip of guilt personal narratives Apr 12, 2021

By Mia Zhu

Right now I feel I’m just a placeholder for the next amazing person. You might think I feel dumb or useless being some sort of placeholder. But NO. It’s nothing like that, I...

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Sticking to the pieces personal narratives Mar 30, 2021

By Olivia ngai

Sometimes the least enjoyable class in school is also the easiest. 

In elementary school, everyone’s least favorite class was music. Music seemed unnecessary, and everyone...

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A Journey through my mind personal narratives Mar 30, 2021

By Katie Liu

I couldn’t give up. After seven years of devotion, I just couldn’t. I had to pick myself back up. Every time I was frustrated or angry with my music, I would think of the...

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The Bee personal narratives Mar 26, 2021

By Josiah Mo

During a cold, bitter November day 4 years ago, my 4th grade teacher from my old school made an announcement. “The school will be hosting a geography bee for kids in grades 4-8....

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My First Roller Coaster Ride personal narratives Mar 26, 2021

By Joyce Liang

When I was 12 years old on a trip, I went to an amusement park in San Antonio, Texas with my friends. It was called Six Flags. It was my first time there. I saw millions of rides...

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Pet Care personal narratives Mar 24, 2021

By Ellie Liu

All animals are important to me, but cats have always been my favorite. The problems with owning a cat are that I’m allergic to them, along with the fact that they will...

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A Thoughtless Dream personal narratives Mar 23, 2021

By Alice Luo

    I have always found the thought of lucid dreaming quite appealing. I find controlling my dreams enticing, usually because of my imagination. It’s funny, that...

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