Letterly helps students discover the power of words through personalized learning
Written by Our Students, Read by the World, Published by Letterly.
We believe that our students' work should be heard by the world. Check out The Letterly Journal, our online literary magazine! Find news articles, features, creative writing pieces - written entirely by our students.
We're so thankful for your amazing support . ❤️

Enrollments Since Opening in 2020

States and 7 Countries

Age Range of Our Students

of students took more than 1 class
Read What Our Families Have to Say 🥰
I would like to send you a big thumbs up and WOW to your amazing EWJ team! My son participated in EWJ two summers ago when it was first introduced and he benefitted a lot from it. This year's EWJ? A total game changer. We love the Student Portal ... Ms. R is just top notch! I wish my son had Ms. R as his English teacher at school. Sadly the personal feedback that he received (the whole year) from his English teacher is less than what Ms. R wrote in one weeky report card. I think this speaks volumes about how valuable EWC/EWJ means to us.
❤️ I love the way EWC operates! With the meeting in the beginning to practice tests to see what group fits best for you is terrific ... This place is an honor for me to be in! I have never thought that my writing could have been any better if it wasn't for EWJ. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
I've always like writing, but never really loved it until EWC came along. With editors from the Ivy League, they give back extremely helpful edits in a nick of time. The deadlines push you until you actually love to write. So if you sign up, you're looking at the best live editing-writing camp in the US.
EWJ is unlike any other program I've done before because it gives me the unique opportunity to not only receive daily feedback, but also see my works published ... I'm glad I found this program, and I highly recommend it!
In school they don't really teach you … But, [at] EWC they actually teach you.
EWJ improved my writing drastically. Using the tools EWJ provides, I carved a statue out of what used to be a simple rock.
The editors are wonderful, having office hours available for any student! Staff working in EWJ are so wonderful; thank you for all you have done in these past four weeks. With a tons of emails, drafts, and articles to publish, the team has gone a long way. Writing is such an important addition to life, bringing creativity and joy to readers. Students need this opportunity to learn and grow their young author skills. Thank you, EWC!
I recently won 5 Scholastic writing awards in the Midwest region from the creative writing pieces that I did during the summer journal writing sessions (2 gold keys, 1 silver, 2 honorable mentions)!
Thank you so much for teaching my two kids! My son is 11 years old and he is writing a book! It's almost 50,000 words 😊 Thank you so much, EWC! 🙏😄🌹❤️
EWJ definitely set me on the path to fixing my study habits. Though I still find myself submitting near midnight, I haven't missed as many assignments as before. I would 100% recommend EWC to people who want to both fix their study habits and improve their writing.
EWJ is pretty intensive, but you can feel your writing skills and journalistic conventions improving by leaps and bounds. And although it takes a while to adapt to the program and to fit it in your daily life, it really is a great course to exercise and train your writing skills, as well as a place where you can receive daily feedback from professionals.
This class does go over some stuff that isn't really taught in school… We [also] learn how to actually improve our sentences instead of school wanting us to actually know how to write better sentences.
[At EWC], we do more reading and writing and in school, I just read a passage and answer multiple choice, short answer... [W]e do more reading, annotating, writing and how to make it stronger like using conjunctions, clauses, and more. We also learned how to use these methods in writing…
And countless more. Our students have also written letters to their editors ... Read them below!